Kojiki books in English
Kojiki Books in English
orig: 98/10/08

List of Kojiki books written in English follows.

[Acknowledgement or lack thereof]: I have had this list somehow with no record of where I got this. I regret that I cannot make proper acknowledgement to the original writer/compiler of the list. Thank you, to whomever it may concern, anyway.

Kojiki, or, Records of Ancient Matters, trans. by Basil Hall Chamberlain. 1st ed. 1882, 2nd ed., 1932, Tokyo: The Asiatic Society of Japan, 1973.
Kojiki; Translated with an Introduction and Notes by Donald L. Philippi. 1968, Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1969.
Wheeler, Post. The Sacred Scriptures of the Japanese, with All Authoritative Variants, Chronologically Arranged, Setting Forth the Narrative of the Creation of the Cosmos, the Divine Descent of the Sky-Ancestor of the Imperial House and the Lineage of the Earthly Emperors, to Whom the Sun-Deity Has Given the Rule of the World unto Ages Eternal.New York: H. Schuman, 1952. (Translations of the Kojiki and the Nihongi, supplemented and amplified by translations of a number of lesser works, collated and combined in a connected narrative)
Kojiki; Translated with an Introduction and Notes by Donald L. Philippi.1968, Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1969.
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